viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Post 3: The Best Holidays ever

Hello! Today I'm going to write about the best Holidays I ever had. When I was 5 or 6 years old, my sister and I traveled to Valdivia with my father and a friend of him. I remember when my father picked us up at home at night, and we went to the supermarket and he said "Choose a toy... I will buy it for you". I chose a stewardess cart, with a lot of cups, food, plates, cutlery, etc and my sister a big box with beads for making necklaces.  We traveled all night and in the morning we arrived at Valdivia. We stayed at the house of the aunt of Guillermo, my father's friend. The house was very big and beautiful. We went to the Niebla Fort and then we took a Ship. I ate seafood soup and it was really yummy, and I imagined that I was a sailor while I contemplated the sea and the landscapes.
I don't remember how long was the travel, but I enjoyed it a lot, specially because it was the only vacations I ever had with my father.
Oh!, I forgot to tell you that we went to the thermal waters. I never learned to swim, and I said to my father a lot of times that I didn't brought my float and he said to me "Oh dear, don't worry, nothing's gonna happen". I put my little body in the water and I discovered that the pool was formed by stairs. With a lot of confidence I got down one step, another step and another step and in a few seconds I started to drown. My sister took me by an arm and then my father ran to the place where I was with my sister and he carried me in his arms and I started to cry.
Now I laugh a lot about this because it wasn't the first time that my father forgot care of me and I was almost drown hahahahaha.

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Post 2: The creepiest movie i've ever watched

Today i'm gonna write about the creepiest movie i've ever seen:  "The others".
I must be honest and tell you that I really, really hate the horror films. I'm a very scary person (The first time i saw "The shining" i had to get out of the room several times because i was too scared about the scenes... and that movie is not even an horror film, is actually suspense).
The first time I saw the movie  i was 10 or 11 years old, and i remember that my mother's boyfriend came home with the movie and all the family met in my house to see it. My mother had bought a "Home Cinema" few days ago and they wanted to inaugurate it with this movie.
 We were all in the living room with the lights turned off, and the sound was really high and i remember the screaming of the characters and then me running out of the room hahahahahaha.
I finally saw it again last year (entirely). The movie is about a family (mother, father, son and daughter) and at the very beginning of the story, the father is forced to go to war. The mother is alone with the children and his servants and the family start to hear and see "ghosts" in their house. Right at the end we realize that the family are actually dead and the "ghosts" are (living) people who want to buy the house, and they were doing a spiritism session.
I didn't liked the movie just because i'm really coward, so i didn't enjoyed it. But it was very interesting and it has such a plot twist in the last minutes, that i would totally recommend it anyway.

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014


If i could choose a Country for visiting, I definitly choose Iceland.
Iceland is a little island near the United Kingdom, and i want to visit it since i was 14 years old. It's a cold place, perfect for people like me, and there's a lot of beautiful things like their houses, monuments and landscapes (the famous Series Game of Thrones is filmed in Iceland, so you can imagine how beautiful is it).

 In Iceland there is a lot of snow in Winter, but in spring, all the snow is melted and we can see the canyons, volcanos, mountains, rivers and lagoons.
Even in  Autumn or Winter we can see the Northern Lights in the sky. I think that it will be amazing to see in direct.

I definitly will like to do all the tours in the country, specially visit "Dimmu Borgir", a magic and old volcanic formation coated with moss and other plants.

Iceland is so far away from here, that i didn't know if i could live there because i couldn't be with my family, and the language is too complicated so it could be so difficult comunicate to other people.
But if i had the oportunity to take a challenge like that, I probably would did it (if my boyfriend go with me, of course hahahaha).